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Back to School Information for 2024-25

Back to School Information for 2024-25

MEET AND GREET- August 8th, 4:00 - 6:00 pm

Supply drop off and meet the teachers/staff - you can come anytime between 4 & 6. 

You will go to your student’s classroom. It is an open house format so you can visit all classes if you have more than one student at North Mor Elementary. 

1:15-3:15 pm Optional

1:1 conferences with classroom teachers. Teachers will send out communication / sign-up once they return on 8/5.

Whether you have a conference or just come to the meet & greet, supplies may be dropped off during this time.

Supply lists are posted on the website or click on this link: Our School Supply List has been posted for the 2024-25 School Year.

Class Assignments:

You will be able to see class assignments on AUGUST 2nd. This is when the district has them available on the parent portal district-wide.

Bus information:

You will receive a card in the mail with all bus information from the transportation department.

Bus passes are required. Passes from last school year are still valid to use. 

Please contact Transportation with any questions. 

First day of school:

August 12, 2024.

Bell schedule: 

*Please note the changes below- due to school safety

7:45 am-7:50 am is a soft start.

The first bell will ring at 7:45 to let students inside. They are to be in class by 7:50. 

*Arrival after 7:50 am., all external doors will be locked and students must be escorted by you to the main office.

*Arrival after 8:05 am., your student is considered tardy and must be signed in through the main office.

After 7:50 am all doors are locked. Students will be marked tardy if they arrive after 8:05-parents will need to sign students in after 8:05

Breakfast will be served starting at 7:45 am

School Hours-Bell Schedule: 7:50 am-2:35 pm

Free meals for all students

Beginning this fall, all students will have access to free breakfast and lunch every day.

Additional start-of-the-year information for families:

Apply for Free & Reduced Benefits! Receive discounts on school fees & help the school too

Please welcome our new staff to the North Mor Family!

K - Yara Braulio

K - Holly Maestas ( moving from NME learning specialist)

Learning Specialist - McKenzie (Kenzie)  Peila

SEl - Carrie Keahey

SEl - Nicole Avallone

Instructional Coach - Brittany Keller - we now have two coaches! 

School Psych 1.0 - Cassandra Mort

School Psych .25 - Rachael Cole

Speech Language 1.0 - Pippa May

Speech Language .4 - Kara Woodard works with Pre-K 

Occupational Therapist - Lindsey Hirt

Physical Therapist - Karen Litavish

Pre-K- Gina Martinez moving to Site Director

Pre-K teacher: Mariela Frias Garcia ( previous Pre-K assistant)

Family Liaison: TBD

Interventionists: TBD

Paraprofessional: TBD


Pre-K will continue to sign in and out at the classroom doors- if you are late you must go to the main office to sign your student in -the same with early pickup.

DROP OFF-Morning Line-Up

  • Students in grades 1,2,4, and 5 will be dropped at the West Hug and Go

          ( near the front doors where the four stars are ). 

  • Grades K and 3 will be dropped off at  the East Hug and Go

          ( where the three stars are ). 

  • When you pull up to the hug and go, please have your student exit on the side closest to the building, not the street side. A staff member will be there to help but students can open the car door and get out themselves. 

  • Please do not let your student out of the car in the street- only in the hug-and-go line.

  • If you drop them off across the street-please have them use the crosswalk for safety reasons. 

  • Students will not be allowed to enter the school until the 7:45 am bell has rung. 

  • There is NO supervision outside before 7:45 am.


PICK UP-Afternoon Dismissal Locations

  • Please pick your students up at 2:35 pm at the corresponding grade level exits. 

  • Do not park in the staff parking lot. 

  • Do not park and/or exit your vehicle while it is in the hug-and-go lane.

  • If your child has not been picked up by 2:45, they will be brought to the main office. You will then have to come inside to check them out. Please bring an ID


If you have to pick your child up from school- you are required to have an ID (identification) on you. Your ID is put through our raptor system. If you get a call to pick them up from the health room, an ID is required before they can leave with you.

Thank you for your cooperation with this! 

NORTH MOR Elementary School-active link to our webpage

NORTH MOR FAMILY SCHOOL CALENDAR-English-subject to change

NORTH MOR FAMILY SCHOOL CALENDAR-Spanish -subject to change

Adams 12 Calendar English 

Adams 12 Calendar Spanish